User-Defined Functions and Classes

Introduction to User-Defined Functions and Classes in Flowata

While Flowata comes packed with a wide array of built-in functions and features, the true power of any programming language lies in its extensibility. The ability to define your own functions and classes allows you to tailor the language to your specific needs, creating custom solutions that can be as simple or as complex as your project requires.

In Flowata, user-defined functions and classes serve as a way to encapsulate reusable logic, extend the language's capabilities, and create more maintainable and modular code. Whether you're looking to create a simple utility function for string manipulation or a complex class to handle a custom data structure, Flowata provides the tools you need to make it happen.

This section will guide you through the process of defining your own functions and classes in Flowata, from the basic syntax and conventions to more advanced features like inheritance and polymorphism. By the end of this section, you'll have the knowledge and skills to create your own custom solutions, extending Flowata's functionality to meet the unique challenges of your projects.

// todo: detail how to define your own functions and classes